The latest Roblox Type Soul codes are the best source to save your precious Robux. You can choose plenty of weapons and wipe the floor with your enemies. The Roblox developers give codes to celebrate achievements or in-game milestones as freebies and rewards in-game.
You can see The Time of Ninja Codes, Dress to Impress Codes, Anime Card Battle Codes, Onikami Legacy Codes, Driving Empire Codes, Fruit Seas Codes, Anime Realms Simulator Codes, and Eternal Battlegrounds Codes.
Type Soul Codes
Here are all the new Type Soul codes:
- wasitworthit – rewards (new)
- ohioframesperskibidi – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- spendingthanksgivingontype – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- youaremyspecialbuddy – ten locked buddy trait rerolls
- flowerfinally – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- no1amupdate – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- whenwedance – locked shikai/ers/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- ezcodeforconsole – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- miniupdatewowawesome – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- didntyousaynoupdtonight – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- gutteddodgevariantgobrrr – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- quickcodeforcodesocodeyescodehowcodewithcode – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- wheresmybuddy – free rewards
- reallycoolcodehaha – free rewards
- yessirupdatetime – free rewards
- mythoughtsonthislater – free rewards
- noreallythanksfor500m – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new servers only) (new)
- oopswandenexploded – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new servers only) (new)
- youcanrollraresnow – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new servers only) (new)
- letsget500mmore – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new servers only) (new)
- 500mvisitsthankyou – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new!)
- sozforbrick – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- avaricecascade – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- guesswhosback – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- 700kwoahthanks – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- newrankedrewards3 – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- ohsnapwaitsnapignis – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- amaonetwothreefour – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- thosewhoknowmango – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- nosrepphakudarework – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- weekendgiftorsomething – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- secretcodethatgives1000rerolls – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwith idkspecialfriskeraswell – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidk specialfriskeraswellAGAINTWICE – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- tamapackageone – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- newrankedrewards – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- sozformobile – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- tamasuigetsu: – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- tamataisentwo – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- wednesdaypatchesmoreplz – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- imsorry – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- sorrybugs – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- pointsplease – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- sorryforbank – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- stefan10kfollowers – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- lateupdatesareannoying – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- yippeweekly – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- tamasuigetsu – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- ddanielisevil – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- tamataisentwo – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- visionaryrework – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- rankedplswork – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- 1kcristi – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
New Codes | Rewards |
teleportswentdown (new) | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
leafystray (new) | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
anextracode (new) | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
weloveeduardo (new) | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
mediarip://souls (new) | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
tamaforyoutamaforall | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
meditation | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
apologycode | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
vultures | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
itstypesoulfriday | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
cowoesorry | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
helpeduardosmentalsanity | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
angrycanadian | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
sorryfortheshutdowns | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
cowoenuovaentvari | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
wereached400mvisits | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
joshnosreppcristi | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
eduardocarrying | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
oops | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
explodeincident | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
higuys | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
350mvisitsalright | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
cctokenfix | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
200klikeswoah | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
tamastrikesagain | locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll |
- idontdotheseoften – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- bararaqgbincident – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- doomaroomeneverexisted – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- blazblueincident – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- sorryhopethishelps – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- whereiskendoweapondude – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- reallycooloriginalcodename – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- newbosseswow – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou – locked shikai/red/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll (new)
- latenightfightnight – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- cristiqol – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- windwake – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- tamarandomcode – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan reroll
- timetravellermistake – purple elixir and a powered black elixir
- cristi10k – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- tamaverified – free rerolls
- setroboominda – free rerolls
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame – free rerolls
- hakudanerfafter1000years – free rerolls
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere – free rerolls
- cursedgearruinsfriendships – free rerolls
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- thato9neguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- imnotnamingitthat – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- hqrsepowered – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- 2weekdelaywoah – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- thisisnotsigma – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- ermwhattthetypesoul – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- yurrrrlistenman – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- causethatstheupdateineed – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- hellopiety – 100 weapon rerolls
- 500kdiscmemberswoo – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- arrogantcristi5k – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode -locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- quincynerfagainleaveouracealonedude – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and locked clan reroll
- 7staredwardnewgate – free rerolls
- allaccordingtocake – free rerolls
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate – free rerolls
- petgod101 – free rerolls
- skibidisigmastofighttheohiorizzler – free rerolls
- code1 – free rerolls
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed – free rerolls
- cyberpoint – free rerolls
- brovisitedhisfriends – free rerolls
- davehashit10kwow – free rerolls
- Benihimebuff – free rewards
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld – free rewards
- almightyeye – free rewards
- breathlesspumpkle – free rewards
- tsugokusenku – free rewards
- 400kdiscmembers – free rewards
- 160mvisits – free rewards
- somethingrandom – free rewards
- canyouwrap – free rewards
- mobileflashpd – free rewards
- johnboomingg – free rewards
- thekiraeventparttwo – free rewards
- thekiraevent – free rewards
- 5minutesoffame – free rewards
- nothinghappened – free rewards
- newfaceswow – free rewards
- icanimaginesomeonesayingimnexttoatree – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
Expired Type Soul codes:
- phase1 – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- canyourecmeintodemonhunter – 100 rerolls
- robloxban – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- lightsegunda – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- 100mlikes – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- afkworld – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- robotcowoe – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- soulianstreak – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- myhopewillneverdie – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- johnbooming – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- gulliblelol – 100 rerolls
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuck withacid – do not include the space! locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- kamehamehax3 – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- khaoticyachty – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- luisvonmarco – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- balancedbalance – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- eduardobrg10k – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- khaotic10k – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- drakos10k – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- nuova10k – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- woahreal – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- quickshutdown – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- delayedwhoops – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- bloodedged – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- ohwowcool – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- devilgene – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- badquincy – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- supasta – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- nuovaprimadon – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- johnbooming – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- cowoe10k – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- nuovalovesquincy – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- spiritgun – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- happyeaster – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- sundayupdate – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- awesomesauce – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- sorry4ranked3 – locked shikai/res/volt rerolls and a locked clan reroll
- rankedmidseason
- newclanwargame
- championshipandmasteryboxes
- newclangamesoon
- tamaiscool
- doomatearoom
- shikaireroll
- happyhalloween
- fixedoldcode
- segundanextupdate
- 100kfavourites
- apologyforlate
- watermelon
- contentcoming
- newcodeoldbugged
- mainmenufixes
- tradehub
- championship
- middayfixes
- sorryforthat
- soonupdates
- midtermsover
- haveagoodday
- slowpace
How to redeem Type Soul codes?
Here are the steps to know about redeeming Type Soul codes.
- Launch Type Soul
- Tap on the gift box icon in the top-left of the screen
- Enter the code
- Click on the enter button.
- Get your goodies.
Also Check –
What are Type Soul codes?
The game developers always drop new codes to celebrate achievements or in-game milestones. These codes are available for you to offer freebies and rewards in-game. You must bookmark this page to receive any fresh codes.
How Can I get more Type Soul codes?
you can also join the official Type Soul Discord To get all the new Type Soul codes.
Type Soul Game Controls:
Left Alt – Shift-lock
Ctrl + K – Monster transformations/Mask rip
J – Reaper weapon
Ctrl + J – Reaper transformation/Monster transformation
Q – Dash
Z X C – Reaper skills/Partial Moveset
T G – Reaper/Monster/Volt Moveset
R – Critical
N – Inventory/Skill tree
M – Meditate
P – Purify Lost Soul
B – Grip/Eat if Monster
V – Carry
Comma – Toggle map markers inside SS
FAQs on Type Soul Codes
What are the latest Type Soul codes?
The latest active code in Type Soul is teleportswentdown – locked shikai/res/volt reroll and a locked clan rerolls.
When will new codes for Type Soul be released?
The game developer will add New Type Soul codes when the game achieves updates, milestones, and events.
How do I get new Type Soul codes?
you can join the Type Soul Roblox group to get more codes.